內容簡介 野貓們在汪汪老闆的麵包工廠外,認真的看麵包師傅做麵包,發現麵包原來是這樣完成的,好簡單哪!於是野貓們趁著麵包工廠休息時,半夜偷跑進工廠,打算自己烤麵包。誰知道看起來簡單,其實一點也不簡單,他們照著看到的模樣,東加一點,西揉一下,再把發酵後的大麵糰放進烤箱裡,沒想到……哇!竟然烤出一個超級無敵大的麵包,還把工廠的烤箱,不!連整座麵包工廠都撐爆了。 這下子,闖禍的野貓們除了不斷道歉補救外,還有重建的活兒要進行呢! ※有注音 作者介紹 作者、繪者簡介工藤紀子 1970年出生於神奈川縣,女子美術短期大學畢業。現為繪本作家、漫畫家。主要繪本作品有《企鵝兄弟》系列(ブロンズ新社)、《小雞》系列(白泉社)。《先休和瓦特》系列(小學館),《Letters》(偕成社),《加利達》系列(茜書房)。漫畫作品《流浪的工作狗,汪汪!》 譯者簡介蘇懿禎 臺北教育大學國民教育學系畢業,日本女子大學兒童學碩士,目前攻讀東京大學圖書館情報學系博士班。熱愛童趣但不失深邃的文字與圖畫,偶爾客串中文與外文的中間人,生命大都在童書裡漫步。夢想當一位童書圖書館館長,目前正在夢想的路上。 序 導讀關於小貓軍團烤麵包/蘇懿禎(日文繪本閱讀推廣人) 相信關注日本繪本的朋友們,對白泉社出版的繪本雜誌《MOE》一定不陌生,在《MOE》的工藤紀子四格漫畫專欄〈汪汪將〉(わんわんちゃん)裡,不時會出現野貓的可愛身影。而工藤紀子在與〈汪汪將〉的企畫編輯討論時,編輯說:「如果有野貓軍團當主角的繪本的話,應該會很有趣吧!」在這之前,工藤紀子的作品多以「兩歲的小孩光看就會開心」為目標,對於小孩子喜歡的東西特別用心,詳加描繪;這個時期剛好是她覺得差不多該挑戰新事物的時期,於是開始構想以壞壞的野貓們當主角的故事。沒想到2012年底《野貓軍團烤麵包》才正式出版,就奪下2013MOE繪本書店大賞第四名。 在這繪本裡,汪汪將變成了配角,八隻小野貓挑起了主角大樑。這些小野貓並沒有特別凸顯的個性;就像服裝店的展示,有時會刻意採用沒有頭部的模特兒,為的就是讓消費者可以更容易想像服裝穿在自己身上的模樣;這種作法也會讓讀者在閱讀時更能融入故事,將自己想像成故事中的主角。因此,雖然是野貓「軍團」,但也可將他們視為一個整體。調皮的野貓軍團半夜偷溜進工廠,還把工廠炸掉,但最後他們也確實為了自己的行為負責,有個完美的結局;加上小野貓造型相當可愛,因此這些明顯的不良行為,並不會讓小讀者對他們產生厭惡感,反倒相當喜愛,對此,作者也有一點驚訝呢! 野貓軍團的故事雖然簡單,卻包含起承轉合的完整故事情節。起:偷看麵包製作過程,引起動機→承:半夜潛入工廠,模仿汪汪做麵包→轉:發粉放太多,導致工廠爆炸→合:受到處罰,幫忙賣麵包及重建工廠;這樣的內容既可以滿足能夠理解因果關係的孩子,也能滿足樂於觀察畫面細節的小小孩。作者表示,她花了很多精神在展現小貓的表情,因為只要稍微有些差距,看起來就不可愛了;還有對於麵包,她也下了不少功夫,除了要把麵包畫的看起來很好吃,在麵包店裡的出現的麵包,都是作者小時候(昭和時期)喜歡的,跟現在相較之下,明顯較為樸實。看完這個故事,有沒有讓你跟作者一樣,愈畫(看)肚子愈餓,愈想吃麵包了呢?
Pickup locations 交貨點地址
Please note that our main pick-up location is in Point Cook, for other locations it may take up to 1-3 weeks for items to arrive. You will recieve an email notification when order is ready for pick up.
For urgent orders please contact info@bonafamily.com.au
Melbourne West 西區
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Home Road, Point cook / Payson road, Point Cook
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
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Lorikeet Court, Sunshine North VIC 3020
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
Melbourne CBD 市區
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601 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Sun 11.30am - 12.30pm
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
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($3 fees)
Unit 2, 125-127 Highbury Road, Burwood
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15 Market St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 17:30
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375A Clayton Road, Clayton,VIC 3168
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
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Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
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78 Koornag Road, Carnegie, VIC 3163
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 19:30 pm
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424 High Street, Preston, VIC 3072
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
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4 The Crossway Campbellfield, VIC 3061
Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
Delivery Policy
Melbourne Metro
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Postage rate will be calculate through checkout for orders less than $280
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- If your postage seems radiculusly high please emailed us via info@bonafamily.com.au and we will review it for you.
If you have any questions please emailed us via info@bonafamily.com.au
Deliveries are made by courier service Monday through to Friday only. Your order is dispatched from Melbourne, Victoria. The approximate delivery time to metro areas is 3-6 working days.
However the following approximate transit times apply for regional areas:
SA 7-9 working days
TAS 7-9 working days
WA 10-14 working days
NT 12-14 working days
Pre Orders
Please note, if your order contains an item that is on ‘pre order’, your entire order will be held and shipped together as soon as your pre-order item arrives.
Breakage during delievery, Faulty, or missing products
It is the customers responsibility to check all the items on arrival to ensure no breakages have occurred in transit and that you have recieve your order in full. Any problem describe above must be reported immediately within 7 days of arrival or pick up. If an item arrives broken, the item will need to be returned to Bona Family and the replacement item will be forwarded to you or refund. Please note that Bona Family is not responsible for any breakages that occur once the toy has been played with. Manufacturing faults will be referred to the manufacturer.
Delivery Address
Please ensure that your delivery address is complete and correct. In the event that a parcel is returned to us due to failure to collect from the post office or an incorrect or incomplete delivery address being provided, you will be charged a return fee along with a second delivery fee. The second delivery fee will not be eligible for our $10 flat rate shipping charge and we will charge you exactly what Courier company charge us to re-ship the parcel to you.
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