內容簡介 葛莉塔.通貝里 2019年諾貝爾和平獎候選人 《時代雜誌》譽為2018年全球25位最具影響力的青少年之一 入選2019年《時代》雜誌百大人物,為最年輕入選者 獲選2019年《時代》雜誌風雲人物 被稱為「瑞典環保少女」、「環保鬥士」、「氣候行動者」 在葛莉塔15歲時,她的老師向她的學生解釋,我們的氣候正在改變──地球正在變暖,冰山逐漸融化,地球上的生命受到威脅。 葛莉塔想著,她能做些什麼呢? 葛莉塔坐在瑞典的國會大廈外,拿著「為氣候罷課」的海報,一開始只有她自己,慢慢的,發展成一場全球學生為因應氣候變遷而採取行為的活動。 葛莉塔對參加聯合國氣候會議的大人物們演說,發表關於氣候變遷的議題,於是,全球開始關注該如何拯救我們的地球。 「不管你有多渺小,都能做出改變。」 ──葛莉塔.通貝里 本書特色 ◆學習以不一樣的角度看世界◆ 葛莉塔在十一歲時,被診斷出患有亞斯伯格症、強迫症和選擇性緘默症。一個像是隱形人般的女孩以自己的力量,喚醒全球的環保意識,開始關注氣候變遷、地球暖化等相關議題,誠如葛莉塔所說,不管你有多渺小,都能做出改變。 ◆關心切身的議題◆ 本書透過葛莉塔的故事告訴每一個人,我們正居住的地球正面臨嚴峻的考驗,冰川融化、各地出現極端氣候、多場森林大火……而這一切代表著「我們的家失火了」,我們應該正視地球的現況,瞭解相關的情形,並及時採取相應的行動。 ◆瞭解公共事務是每個人的權利和義務◆ 人類和地球是生命共同體,當地球生病的同時,也會影響人類的安危與存亡,因此,在地球上的人類,無論男女長幼都應瞭解關於地球的所有相關事務,享受地球賦予的生存權利,也盡保護地球的義務。 ◆傾聽每個人的聲音◆...
Pickup locations 交貨點地址
Please note that our main pick-up location is in Point Cook, for other locations it may take up to 1-3 weeks for items to arrive. You will recieve an email notification when order is ready for pick up.
For urgent orders please contact info@bonafamily.com.au
Melbourne West 西區
🏬 Point Cook | Bona Family Warehouse
Home Road, Point cook / Payson road, Point Cook
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
🏬 Sunshine North (will take 1 week to arrive in this
Lorikeet Court, Sunshine North VIC 3020
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
Melbourne CBD 市區
🏬 Melbourne CBD | Glory City Church
601 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Sun 11.30am - 12.30pm
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
Melbourne East 東區
🏬 Burwood | Seekit Melbourne 優實生活館
($3 fees)
Unit 2, 125-127 Highbury Road, Burwood
Tue - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm
🏬 Boxhill | Pola Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
15 Market St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 17:30
🏬Clayton | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
375A Clayton Road, Clayton,VIC 3168
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
🏬 Glen Waverley | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
75 Railway Parade North, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
Melbourne South 南區
🏬 Carnegie | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
78 Koornag Road, Carnegie, VIC 3163
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 19:30 pm
Melbourne North 北區
🏬 Preston | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
424 High Street, Preston, VIC 3072
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
🏬 Campbellfield | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
4 The Crossway Campbellfield, VIC 3061
Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
Melbourne Metro
Free postage on orders over $150
Flat rate postage $10 for orders less than $150
Free postage on orders over $280
Postage rate will be calculate through checkout for orders less than $280
Postage rate will be calculate through checkout.
If you have any questions please emailed us via info@bonafamily.com.au
Deliveries are made by courier service Monday through to Friday only. Your order is dispatched from Melbourne, Victoria. The approximate delivery time to metro areas is 3-6 working days.
However the following approximate transit times apply for regional areas:
SA 7-9 working days
TAS 7-9 working days
WA 10-14 working days
NT 12-14 working days
Pre Orders
Please note, if your order contains an item that is on ‘pre order’, your entire order will be held and shipped together as soon as your pre-order item arrives.
Breakage during delievery, Faulty, or missing products
It is the customers responsibility to check all the items on arrival to ensure no breakages have occurred in transit and that you have recieve your order in full. Any problem describe above must be reported immediately within 7 days of arrival or pick up. If an item arrives broken, the item will need to be returned to Bona Family and the replacement item will be forwarded to you or refund. Please note that Bona Family is not responsible for any breakages that occur once the toy has been played with. Manufacturing faults will be referred to the manufacturer.
Delivery Address
Please ensure that your delivery address is complete and correct. In the event that a parcel is returned to us due to failure to collect from the post office or an incorrect or incomplete delivery address being provided, you will be charged a return fee along with a second delivery fee. The second delivery fee will not be eligible for our $10 flat rate shipping charge and we will charge you exactly what Courier company charge us to re-ship the parcel to you.
Metro Area postcode as below
Sydney Metro postcodes: 1000-1920, 2000-2239, 2555-2574, 2740-2786
Canberra Metro postcodes: 0200-0299, 2600-2620, 2900-2920
Melbourne Metro postcodes: 3000-3210, 3335-3341, 3425-3443, 3750-3811, 3910-3920, 3926-3944, 3972-3978, 3980-3983, 8000-8899
Brisbane Metro postcodes: 2484-2494, 4000-4370, 4373-4381, 4400-4405, 4500-4580, 4600-4610, 4614-4618, 9000-9919
Adelaide Metro postcodes: 5000-5199, 5800-5999
Perth Metro postcode: 6000-6214, 6800-6999