

內容簡介 ★孩子的第一本醫學科普立體遊戲書★★對戰卡對決、射擊遊戲、病原體探測器、紙上顯微鏡等多種互動遊戲等著你~★★小孩玩得愛不釋手!大人也沉迷其中!★★豐富的立體機關,開啟認識免疫力的第一堂課★   紅血球是身體裡的運輸兵,有天它執行任務時,突然出現可怕的病原體金波波!一路上紅血球遇到城堡破損、非法入侵者進入、病原體爆發等難關......嗶嗶嗶¬¬——免疫力軍團緊急出動!究竟它們能不能成功消滅病原體呢?本書特色  這是專門給孩子講解人體免疫力的科普立體書,有超級可愛的免疫力軍團、雖然是反派卻很呆萌的病原體,還有各種保障健康、提高免疫力的小撇步!快跟著血小板、吞噬細胞、巨噬細胞、T細胞與B細胞等各種免疫戰士來對抗病原體的入侵,保衛身體的健康吧!  ▌趣味滿滿的互動遊戲  本書最大特色即是每頁幾乎都有互動遊戲!例如免疫軍團追趕病原體的「公路追逐戰」、觀察細菌分裂的「紙上顯微鏡」及發射營養素子彈的「射擊遊戲」等,超多好玩的遊戲增添閱讀的趣味性,讓大人小孩都玩到停不下來!  ▌豐富新奇的立體機關  本書除了講解醫學知識,帶領小讀者認識人體免疫力之外,每頁都有豐富的立體機關,翻一翻、拉一拉、動一動,讓小讀者在動手操作中,獲得新奇的閱讀體驗,更能深入了解科普內容。  ▌尋找彩蛋的特殊油墨  採用肉眼難以辨識的螢光油墨,埋藏故事隱線,讓孩子一邊閱讀、一邊透過特殊的紫外線燈,將隱藏起來的病原體紅冠冠找出來!並且讓小讀者親身了解生活中有許多肉眼不可見的病毒,以及病毒是如何潛入我們的身體中,進而養成良好的生活習慣。  ▌獨樹一幟的主題內容  市面上關於醫學科普類型的童書,多數是從認識人體器官、骨骼結構和流感疾病切入,本書不落窠臼,跳脫市場上常見的主題,從免疫力這個題材切入,在人們越來越重視健康的現今,家長更關心的是如何提升孩子的免疫力,本書即是向小讀者傳遞如何提高免疫力,降低生病的風險。  ▌讓科普知識不再死板  為了讓孩子輕鬆獲得醫學常識,本書巧妙地融入生動的冒險故事,並將人體細胞擬人化,以形象可愛的細胞們,帶領小讀者認識人體內的細胞和器官組織結構,從中了解人體應對外傷、流感、發燒等病痛時,免疫力軍團是如何作戰的。    作者介紹 作者簡介七色王國  七色王國是擁有一支強大的製作玩具書多年的專業精英策劃團隊,創建了以專門製作兒童玩具書的優秀圖書品牌。在策劃、製作和銷售等方面都有得天獨厚的資源優勢,已製作完成的圖書種類已多達數十種。繪者簡介周美強  七色王國創意工作室總監,專注於富有創意的玩具類圖書開發和製作,是知名的原創文化創意團隊負責人,他從事童書行業10多年,所製作的圖書極具特色。與多家出版社合作,主要作品有《小手翻翻系列》、《動態立體書系列》、《寶貝猜猜樂-拉拉觸摸書》、《宇宙大探索小百科》、《兒歌小手工系列》、《趣味黏貼遊戲書》、《很好玩視覺遊戲書》等。


















Self Collection Address

Pickup locations 交貨點地址 

Please note that our main pick-up location is in Point Cook, for other locations it may take up to 1-3 weeks for items to arrive. You will recieve an email notification when order is ready for pick up. 

For urgent orders please contact info@bonafamily.com.au 

Melbourne West 

🏬 Point Cook | Bona Family Warehouse
Home Road, Point cook / Payson road, Point Cook
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約

🏬 Sunshine North (will take 1 week to arrive in this 
Lorikeet Court, Sunshine North VIC 3020
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約

Melbourne CBD

🏬 Melbourne CBD | Glory City Church 
601 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Sun 11.30am - 12.30pm 
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約

Melbourne East

🏬 Burwood | Seekit Melbourne 優實生活館
 ($3 fees)
Unit 2, 125-127 Highbury Road, Burwood 
Tue - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm

🏬 Boxhill | Pola Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
15 Market St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 17:30 

🏬Clayton |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
375A Clayton Road, ClaytonVIC 3168
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm 

🏬 Glen Waverley  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
75 Railway Parade North, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm 


Melbourne South 南 

🏬 Carnegie  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
78 Koornag Road, Carnegie, VIC 3163
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 19:30 pm 

Melbourne North

🏬 Preston  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
424 High Street, Preston, VIC 3072
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat   10:00 am - 17:30 pm 

🏬 Campbellfield  |  Polar Express  ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
4 The Crossway Campbellfield, VIC 3061
Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 17:30 pm 

Shipping & Return

Delivery Policy

Melbourne Metro
Free postage on orders over $150
Flat rate postage $10 for orders less than $150

Free postage on orders over $280
Postage rate will be calculate through checkout for orders less than $280

Postage rate will be calculate through checkout.

Please note!!

  • Shipping for Bulky items will not qualify for free shipping or for free shipping in combination with other products. Postage rate will be calculate through checkout. May have extra cost need to be pay.
  • Rural Area (VIC/NSW/WA/SA/ACT/QLD) will not qualify for free/flat shipping or for free shipping in combination with other products. Shipping fee would be send out once we recieve your order. May have extra cost need to be pay. 
  • If your postage seems radiculusly high please emailed us via info@bonafamily.com.au and we will review it for you.

If you have any questions please emailed us via info@bonafamily.com.au

Deliveries are made by courier service Monday through to Friday only. Your order is dispatched from Melbourne, Victoria. The approximate delivery time to metro areas is 3-6 working days. 

However the following approximate transit times apply for regional areas:
SA 7-9 working days
TAS 7-9 working days
WA 10-14 working days
NT 12-14 working days


Pre Orders 
Please note, if your order contains an item that is on ‘pre order’, your entire order will be held and shipped together as soon as your pre-order item arrives.

Breakage during delievery, Faulty, or missing products
It is the customers responsibility to check all the items on arrival to ensure no breakages have occurred in transit and that you have recieve your order in full. Any problem describe above must be reported immediately within 7 days of arrival or pick up. If an item arrives broken, the item will need to be returned to Bona Family and the replacement item will be forwarded to you or refund. Please note that Bona Family is not responsible for any breakages that occur once the toy has been played with. Manufacturing faults will be referred to the manufacturer.

Delivery Address
Please ensure that your delivery address is complete and correct. In the event that a parcel is returned to us due to failure to collect from the post office or an incorrect or incomplete delivery address being provided, you will be charged a return fee along with a second delivery fee. The second delivery fee will not be eligible for our $10 flat rate shipping charge and we will charge you exactly what Courier company charge us to re-ship the parcel to you.


Metro Area postcode as below

  • Sydney Metro postcodes: 1000-1920, 2000-2239, 2555-2574, 2740-2786

  • Canberra Metro postcodes: 0200-0299, 2600-2620, 2900-2920

  • Melbourne Metro postcodes: 3000-3210, 3335-3341, 3425-3443, 3750-3811, 3910-3920, 3926-3944, 3972-3978, 3980-3983, 8000-8899

  • Brisbane Metro postcodes: 2484-2494, 4000-4370, 4373-4381, 4400-4405, 4500-4580, 4600-4610, 4614-4618, 9000-9919

  • Adelaide Metro postcodes: 5000-5199, 5800-5999

  • Perth Metro postcode: 6000-6214, 6800-6999