KidsRead 小小書蟲俱樂部 中英雙語科普點讀繪本 第2輯
商品描述 全系列的特色: 文字淺顯又精簡,自主閱讀好容易: 顛覆科普書文字繁密的印象,本系列運用淺顯易懂、幼兒好理解的文字介紹,爸爸媽媽不需先花時間自我消化,輕鬆培養孩子的自主閱讀習慣。 好奇心大爆發,開啟對世界的認識: 書本一打開,就向小讀者提問生活中最常遇到的事物,激發小讀者的好奇心,鼓勵他們提出問題並探索世界。 中英對照雙語繪本,無痛學習英文: 先閱讀中文,熟悉內容後再搭配英文,讓小讀者在閱讀知識的過程中,不知不覺地學會英文,還能增加英文閱讀的興趣,為小讀者打好英文的堅固基礎。 溫暖的手繪風格,感受繪本的魅力: 插圖使用明亮、大膽的色彩和簡單的線條,吸引注意力,並給孩子更深刻的印象。讓小讀者在閱讀時從圖像中發現小細節,引導看圖說故事。 各書的特色 小小書蟲俱樂部-來聊聊石頭吧! 認識石頭的種類、地球的構成,看似平凡的石頭就像時空膠囊一樣,保存了地球的歷史! 小小書蟲俱樂部-來聊聊昆蟲吧! 介紹各種昆蟲的顏色、大小、行為、聲音、食性,還包含收錄21隻昆蟲的彩色圖鑑! 小小書蟲俱樂部-來聊聊恐龍吧! 介紹恐龍的生存年代、外觀、食性、特色和古生物學家的研究,揭開古生物的神秘面紗! 小小書蟲俱樂部-來聊聊雨林吧! 收錄26隻特別的雨林動物,讓孩子理解雨林的物種豐富性和其對地球的重要性! 點讀版本的特色: 本系列有超過1000個音效和對白,點選書本裡的任何地方,都會出現相應的聲音,點擊每頁的背景,還能聽見該跨頁的內文朗讀,配音員活潑生動的口白,有如觀賞一場精彩的劇場演出,豐富的點讀互動讓獲得知識一點都不枯燥! 年紀較小的讀者可以閱讀書本文字,掌握基本知識;年紀再大一點或探究心強的讀者可以仔細聆聽對白,補充深入的相關資料。 其他開發過程中的巧思或是重點 系列名的發想是,小寶寶們像書蟲一樣,翻著書本、聚在一起討論,和「因為有某種相同興趣的人聚集在一起」的俱樂部一樣。 小小書蟲們都穿著包屁衣,相當可愛!除了讓小讀者更有親切感,還代表著小孩在穿著包屁衣時,就在探索世界了。 小小書蟲們都戴著眼鏡,符合我們對「聰明寶寶」的印象。 每本的倒數第二頁都會介紹和該主題相關的職業,為孩子勾勒出未來的藍圖,並對未來有更多的想像。 每本的最後一頁都會出現”STAY CURIOUS!”這句話貫穿整個系列,是這系列的核心精神。 背景音樂精心編配,希望可以培養孩子的音樂品味。...
- 各書的特色
- 點讀版本的特色:
- 其他開發過程中的巧思或是重點
- 系列名的發想是,小寶寶們像書蟲一樣,翻著書本、聚在一起討論,和「因為有某種相同興趣的人聚集在一起」的俱樂部一樣。
- 小小書蟲們都穿著包屁衣,相當可愛!除了讓小讀者更有親切感,還代表著小孩在穿著包屁衣時,就在探索世界了。
- 小小書蟲們都戴著眼鏡,符合我們對「聰明寶寶」的印象。
- 每本的倒數第二頁都會介紹和該主題相關的職業,為孩子勾勒出未來的藍圖,並對未來有更多的想像。
- 每本的最後一頁都會出現”STAY CURIOUS!”這句話貫穿整個系列,是這系列的核心精神。
- 背景音樂精心編配,希望可以培養孩子的音樂品味。
- 書本一開頭,小小書蟲都會翻閱書本討論,但後來會親自去探索,例如:搭太空船去太空旅行、潛入海底探險等,有鼓勵孩子主動學習,了解「親身體驗比從課本上看到的更重要」之意涵。
- 主文以方便閱讀的圓黑體呈現,並搭配注音編配,讓孩子學習自己閱讀。另外,對話、科普名詞等則取用蠟筆筆觸的手繪字,在生硬的科普知識中,增添了繪本獨有的童趣感、溫度及美感。
Pickup locations 交貨點地址
Please note that our main pick-up location is in Point Cook, for other locations it may take up to 1-3 weeks for items to arrive. You will recieve an email notification when order is ready for pick up.
For urgent orders please contact
Melbourne West 西區
🏬 Point Cook | Bona Family Warehouse
Home Road, Point cook / Payson road, Point Cook
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
🏬 Sunshine North (will take 1 week to arrive in this
Lorikeet Court, Sunshine North VIC 3020
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
Melbourne CBD 市區
🏬 Melbourne CBD | Glory City Church
601 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Sun 11.30am - 12.30pm
Appointment prior collection 需提前預約
Melbourne East 東區
🏬 Burwood | Seekit Melbourne 優實生活館
($3 fees)
Unit 2, 125-127 Highbury Road, Burwood
Tue - Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm
🏬 Boxhill | Pola Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
15 Market St, Box Hill VIC 3128
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 17:30
🏬Clayton | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
375A Clayton Road, Clayton,VIC 3168
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
🏬 Glen Waverley | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
75 Railway Parade North, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
Melbourne South 南區
🏬 Carnegie | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
78 Koornag Road, Carnegie, VIC 3163
Mon - Sun 10:00 am - 19:30 pm
Melbourne North 北區
🏬 Preston | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
424 High Street, Preston, VIC 3072
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
🏬 Campbellfield | Polar Express ($2 fees, parcel under 5kgs only)
4 The Crossway Campbellfield, VIC 3061
Mon - Fri 10:00 am - 17:30 pm
Delivery Policy
Melbourne Metro
Free postage on orders over $150
Flat rate postage $10 for orders less than $150
Free postage on orders over $280
Postage rate will be calculate through checkout for orders less than $280
Postage rate will be calculate through checkout.
Please note!!
- Shipping for Bulky items will not qualify for free shipping or for free shipping in combination with other products. Postage rate will be calculate through checkout. May have extra cost need to be pay.
- Rural Area (VIC/NSW/WA/SA/ACT/QLD) will not qualify for free/flat shipping or for free shipping in combination with other products. Shipping fee would be send out once we recieve your order. May have extra cost need to be pay.
- If your postage seems radiculusly high please emailed us via and we will review it for you.
If you have any questions please emailed us via
Deliveries are made by courier service Monday through to Friday only. Your order is dispatched from Melbourne, Victoria. The approximate delivery time to metro areas is 3-6 working days.
However the following approximate transit times apply for regional areas:
SA 7-9 working days
TAS 7-9 working days
WA 10-14 working days
NT 12-14 working days
Pre Orders
Please note, if your order contains an item that is on ‘pre order’, your entire order will be held and shipped together as soon as your pre-order item arrives.
Breakage during delievery, Faulty, or missing products
It is the customers responsibility to check all the items on arrival to ensure no breakages have occurred in transit and that you have recieve your order in full. Any problem describe above must be reported immediately within 7 days of arrival or pick up. If an item arrives broken, the item will need to be returned to Bona Family and the replacement item will be forwarded to you or refund. Please note that Bona Family is not responsible for any breakages that occur once the toy has been played with. Manufacturing faults will be referred to the manufacturer.
Delivery Address
Please ensure that your delivery address is complete and correct. In the event that a parcel is returned to us due to failure to collect from the post office or an incorrect or incomplete delivery address being provided, you will be charged a return fee along with a second delivery fee. The second delivery fee will not be eligible for our $10 flat rate shipping charge and we will charge you exactly what Courier company charge us to re-ship the parcel to you.
Metro Area postcode as below
Sydney Metro postcodes: 1000-1920, 2000-2239, 2555-2574, 2740-2786
Canberra Metro postcodes: 0200-0299, 2600-2620, 2900-2920
Melbourne Metro postcodes: 3000-3210, 3335-3341, 3425-3443, 3750-3811, 3910-3920, 3926-3944, 3972-3978, 3980-3983, 8000-8899
Brisbane Metro postcodes: 2484-2494, 4000-4370, 4373-4381, 4400-4405, 4500-4580, 4600-4610, 4614-4618, 9000-9919
Adelaide Metro postcodes: 5000-5199, 5800-5999
Perth Metro postcode: 6000-6214, 6800-6999