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AROMASE Anti-Dandruff Shampoo(Ideal for REDUCING DANDRUFF )

AROMASE Anti-Dandruff Shampoo(Ideal for REDUCING DANDRUFF )

$39.99 – $64.99
It soothes the irritated scalp and removes dandruff, regulates, and rejuvenates the scalp. • Reduce dandruff& itchiness.• Soothes the scalp folliculitis.• Combat Malassezia & balance the oil secretion.• pH5.5 with amino acid-base, no...
Unicorn Raincoat - Park Life

Unicorn Raincoat - Park Life

Raincoat Measurements SIZE 1-2 SIZE 3-4 SIZE 5-6 SIZE 7-8 Body Length from HSP (high shoulder point) 36 40 50.5 56.5 Shoulder Breadth 29 30.5 32 33.5 Armhole Diameter 15...
Australia Memory Card Game

Australia Memory Card Game

PRE-ORDER due for delivery November 2020 - with plenty of time to arrive to you by Christmas! Get your hands on this amazing, modern take on the classic memory game!  The...
Amino Acid Repair Anti-bacterial Hand Wash

Amino Acid Repair Anti-bacterial Hand Wash

Cleanse, Repair, and Effective Antibacterial Action Simultaneously creates an invisible protective shield for the skin while washing hands. Content: 350ML Country of Origin: Taiwan Ingredients: WATER, SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE, COCAMIDOPROPYL...
MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches
1 pack2 packs

MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches

$19.95 – $28.00
Using our Grid-Relief Technology, our Itch Relief patches mechanically lift the skin (no chemicals) to drain the lymphatic system which has been injected by the mosquito's saliva that causes the...
Snack Bowl Set 天然聚乳酸點心碗組

Snack Bowl Set 天然聚乳酸點心碗組

獨特方形設計盛裝食物不受限,碗壁低高度方便寶寶伸手抓 矽膠保鮮蓋:居家保存冷藏、外出用餐攜帶的小幫手 防滑吸盤:可拆脫式,超強吸力輔助寶寶學習吃飯不打翻 美國FDA及德國LFGB安心認證 100%天然無毒,不含PVC及BP 可拆脫防滑吸盤,輔助幼兒學習吃飯 可完美堆疊,省空間好收納 內壁略帶直角設計,方便寶寶挖取食物   Dimensions:  Snack Bowl-13.2x 13.2x 4.7/ 112(g) / 400(ml)Snack Bowl Lid- 13.3x 13.3 x1.65 / 35(g)Suction Foot- 14.4x 13 x1.7 / 26(g)天然聚乳酸(又稱PLA)的成份來自100%植物聚乳酸,是由天然植物萃取物聚合而成,並由台灣製造。我們精心挑選PLA的原料,確保來源和製程皆友善環境與社會:...
AROMASE 5α Juniper Head-To-Toe Shampoo & Body Wash ( for Face, Body & Scalp)

AROMASE 5α Juniper Head-To-Toe Shampoo & Body Wash ( for Face, Body & Scalp)

$12.00 – $27.00
All in One Shower gel. For face, body, hair, and scalp pH5.5 with amino acid-base, no harsh chemicals, no paraben. ECO-FRIENDLY DESIGN with 100% rPET. Make Earth Day every day....
AROMASE Glycyrrhetinic Acid Skincare Tonic (Leave-In, for scalp & skin ) 80mL

AROMASE Glycyrrhetinic Acid Skincare Tonic (Leave-In, for scalp & skin ) 80mL

Hydrates and soothes the skin Inflammation effectively. • Glycyrrhetinic Acid soothes the redness and itchiness.• Hydrate the Psoriasis Scalp Effectively• Ideal for scalp and skin with mild herbal formula, no harsh chemicals,...
KOM 台灣製 矽膠隔熱碗

KOM 台灣製 矽膠隔熱碗

📢恐龍、獨角獸、汽車花樣,小朋友愛不釋手。 📢上蓋矽膠經由檢驗合格,無毒無害。 📢隔熱效果佳,好用不燙手。 台灣製造,18/10不鏽鋼 蓋子用矽膠材質,高溫殺菌沒問題 SGS檢驗合格,無毒好安心! 雙層隔熱不燙手,裝冰不冒汗 矽膠上蓋防塵,也可堆疊收納 雙色可選,食材好分類 品質嚴選,採用『18/10不鏽鋼』 耐酸鹼、不易腐蝕、不易生鏽氧化,安全耐用! 外層隔熱設計,耐熱約130度C,不燙手,適合兒童使用! 不鏽鋼碗商品尺寸 🔺款式:獨角獸(粉)/呆呆恐龍(黃)/汽車 (藍) 🔺材質:18/10不鏽鋼,上蓋-食品用PP 🔺直徑13*高5.5CM   🔺重量:160G/330CC 不鏽鋼湯匙商品尺寸 材質:316不鏽鋼規格:13*4CM 商品規格 品牌 LMG 品牌國家 日本 種類 碗 組合說明 18/10不鏽鋼,上蓋-食品用PP 主材質...
Sili Mini Go 合掌包經典全配組

Sili Mini Go 合掌包經典全配組

The complete set that makes outside meals easy for minis and parents! This silicone bundle set has everything early feeders need for enjoying meals away from home - a suction plate...
Teascovery Jujube Black Tea 熱泡 棗尋蜜紅  (效期 05.12.24)

Teascovery Jujube Black Tea 熱泡 棗尋蜜紅 (效期 05.12.24)

商品特色 棗尋蜜紅:甘甜滋潤,養出你的好氣色 1.紅棗溫潤補氣,是果品中百果之王 2.百分百天然食材,真實棗甘甜+小葉種紅茶甘韻 3.獨創製程技術,溫潤紅棗完美融合紅茶蜜甜 銷售重點 萬人見證!棗尋蜜紅 >>冬季冠軍熱銷10萬包!今年冬季升溫必備、美顏絕對!