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Color It & Go erasable book
Practice makes perfect! Our Color It & Go erasable books are eight mixed pages of both blank styles and color-in fun, allowing children to trace and illustrate their own great...
My First Book 2 – Dressing Frames
CARE OF SELF is another aspect that is categorized under practical life. It involves more complex activities compare to preliminary exercise. Children often start with simple activities of care of...
你好,歡迎光臨! 37間琳瑯滿目的商店蛋糕店、壽司店、海產店…各種讓人食指大動的美食文具行、書房、玩具店…各樣令人怦然心動的商品讓人忍不住大喊「每樣東西都好想買喔!」
作者齊藤忍前後花了10年構想、5年製作本書。她到處觀察店家,做了密密麻麻的筆記,最後設計出37家商店,每間店都別具特色且透出濃厚的生活氣息,讓人流連忘返。 這裡有許多好吃的店,從蛋糕店、和菓子店、柑仔店、拉麵店、醬菜店到海產店等。除了美食外,還有文具店、書店、布料行、玩具店、包包專賣店… 逛累了去咖啡廳坐坐,或是去理個頭髮也行! 從櫥窗設計到商品陳列,精緻的畫風,搭配仿日文版手寫字招牌,都讓人忍不住想收藏。不管你想找蛋糕店裡的藍莓起司,或去熟食店買馬鈴薯燉肉,這裡面通通有! 找出隱藏在圖畫裡的祕密! 早上8點麵包店開始營業,熱騰騰的麵包剛出爐,一起來做早操吧!擬人化的商品角色做著各種運動,他們也藏在店面中,你找到了嗎?為了讓這本書更好玩,作者在翻頁間也藏了小祕密,比如馬先生買的花要送給誰?和服店為什麼今日公休?書中還藏有時鐘、橡實和信封的祕密,等你來找找看! 親子共讀時的互動遊戲 這是一本可以觀察,還能一起玩的書。親子共讀的時候,不妨和孩子玩些互動的遊戲,比如問問孩子,最想去哪家店買東西?午餐想吃煎餃還是味噌拉麵?或者,媽媽今天要煮洋蔥牛肉和蛤蜊湯,要去哪些店呢?當孩子歪著腦袋一邊想的時候,同時也增進了生活能力呢!
作、繪者簡介齊藤 忍 さいとう しのぶ 出生於大阪,畢業於嵯峨美術短期大學西洋畫科。曾擔任織品設計師,之後前往國際學院繪本教室學習。她目前一邊創作圖畫書、一邊參與推廣手作圖畫書的活動。作品有《超美味的日語五十音》、《好吃的聲音是什麼?》、《煮好了沒呢?》、《章魚燒幼兒園》等多本和食物有關的圖畫書。 齊藤忍在採訪中表示,這本書從構想到製作完成,總共花了15年,其中草稿就畫了1年!她親自到各種商店參觀蒐集材料,在她心目中最難畫的是藥局,將小盒子一個一個畫上去需要很大的耐力;最容易畫的是豆腐店,因為她發現了一家理想中的店面,可以完全照著畫而不用重新設計!
Cavallini Poster/Gift Wrap - Fruit
Cavallini Vintage Poster & Gift WrapPrinted on Cavallini's signature Italian archival paper with images from the Cavallini archivesBeautiful for framing, wrapping a memorable gift, and countless crafting possibilitiesPairs perfectly with...
316 material vacuum stainless steel thermos flask 真空咖啡壺 800ml
$44.99 $45.00
露營保熱保冷咖啡壺 單鍵式按壓操作出水,操作簡單、使用方便。 316不鏽鋼材質,耐酸鹼、抗腐蝕、耐用性高。 真空斷熱材質,保溫保冷效果極佳。 通過 SGS 檢測,符合中華民國食品器具容器包裝衛生標準。 款式 黑, 紅, 銀 容量 800ml 材質 本體內膽-SUS316不鏽鋼本體外殼-SUS316不鏽鋼 瓶蓋 - PP聚丙烯+304包鋼 止水圈 - 矽膠 (PP聚丙烯/矽膠,耐溫 : -20°C~120°C) 商品規格 保溫效能 : 1小時88°C、3小時80°C、6小時70°C (±5°C) (於室溫24°C注入95°C熱水,所經時間所測得之溫度)...
Crawling Leggings - Dusty Rose
GoBabyGo crawling leggings has unique designed rubber pads on the knees for better grip when starting to crawl. They are made from soft stretch cotton with a wide ribbed waist...
Rose Micellar Cleansing Water
Introducing Rose Micellar Cleansing Water - the gentle yet effective way to remove makeup and impurities from your skin. Formulated with natural rose extracts and micellar technology, this cleansing water...
Juniper Baby Gentle Cleanser 80ml
$18.99 $20.99
Daily cleansing product explicitly designed for 0-1-year-old baby's skin. It does not contain Western medicine, MI, MCI chemical preservatives, silicone, artificial colours, fragrances, or low-foaming agents. After cleansing the baby's...
LADIESTEA Natural Herbal Tea 午茶夫人天然健康的草本茶 - 玫瑰系列
$9.50 – $14.50
無食品添加物 無咖啡因
養顏美容 美麗的秘密武器
Jelly Stone Bath Grips
Non-slip bathtub stickies designed with your little one in mind. The textured, non-slip surface is fun and functional, meaning more bath time fun and fewer slips + slides. Made with...
mierEdu Travel Games
TRAVEL GAME is a classic game designed for the modern family. It's also a very travel-friendly game. Its small and lightweight design makes it very easy to carry. Colourful illustrations...
mierEdu Pocket Watercolour Painting Book
POCKET WATERCOLOUR PAINTING BOOK through the way of painting let children play with imagination, free colour matching to create their own ideal world, and cultivate children's imagination and painting ability....