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Connetix Tiles 24 Piece Car Pack
Our 24 piece car pack featuring Strong Magnets, Rubber Wheels and our Unique Beveled Design Each set includes: 2 Cars with Rubber Wheels 12 x Small squares 8 x Rectangle...
Insulated Stainless Steel - MOVE 660ml + Siplip for FREE
INFUSER FLASK with 2 in 1 Filter MOVE 660ml FOR WATER, TEA, FRUIT WATERS + SMOOTHIES These stylish, chemical-free, stainless steel insulated flasks with Fressko’s 2-in-1 Filter are the ideal brew...
Marbling with paint is fun for the whole family. This set come with 12 colour paint, assorted tools, sheets of paper and instructions. With this set your little one can...
Connetix Tiles 2 Piece Base Plate Pack
BUILD BIGGERNew Base Plate set includes one green and one blue 30cm x 30 cm (12 x 12 inch) powerful magnetic building plate, allowing you to build twice as tall!Featuring:...
Insulated Stainless Steel - CORE 1 Litre + Siplip for FREE
INFUSER FLASK with 2-in-1 Filter CORE 1L FOR WATER, TEA, FRUIT WATERS + SOUPS These stylish, chemical-free, stainless steel, insulated flasks include Fressko’s 2-in-1 filter and are the ideal brew as...
Cookie Stampies®
stampies® – the fun silicone animal cookie stamps Feeling adventurous? Looking for fun ways to spend quality time in the kitchen with your tiny human? Our colourful animal cookie stamp...

2 Partition Round 150ml3 Partition Round 280ml2 Partition Rectangle 220ml2 Partition Rectangle 370ml2 Partition Rectangle 700ml3 Partition Rectangle 560ml3 Partition Rectangle 900ml2 Partition Rectangle 1000ml No.4
Cuitisan Partition series
$24.95 – $74.95
Microwave and Oven Safe Stainless Steel Container Temperature Endure Range -40oC ~ 400oC Freezer Safe BPA Free Designed in Europe Made from CromoSteel technology 100% Airtight and Leak-Proof Unbreakable and...
Bibado Baby Weaning Coverall Bib Gift Pack
Saves 30 mins per day Straps to your highchair to catch all the spills, keeping your little one spotlessly clean and dry even after the messiest of meals or craft...
2 Piece Clear Base Plate Pack
As a large building plate with numerous magnet points, transparent base plates expand the potential of magnetic tile play – support the creation of taller towers, sturdier castles and dazzling...
Loopy Llama Raincoat
Raincoat Measurements SIZE 1-2 SIZE 3-4 SIZE 5-6 SIZE 7-8 Body Length from HSP (high shoulder point) 36 40 50.5 56.5 Shoulder Breadth 29 30.5 32 33.5 Armhole Diameter 15...
☆以桌遊形式,在遊戲中獲得數學概念。☆遊戲卡分階設計,鼓勵孩子持續挑戰。☆可以自己玩,也可以多人一起玩,不受空間限制。☆遊戲說明書中附有收納卡,建立孩子自主收納好習慣。☆遊戲卡背面提供解答,讓孩子自己對答案。☆清華大學幼兒教育學系丘嘉慧助理教授強力推薦。 「數學」素養來自生活 在生活中遊戲,透過遊玩學數學 【Kids’ Corner生活數學系列產品簡介】 數學概念不是進到學校之後才開始學習和發展,孩子早已在日常生活經驗中進行學習。 Kids’ Corner生活數學系列玩具是以「數與量」、「圖形與空間」和「邏輯關係」三大範疇進行設計,有系統的引導幼兒學習數數、排序、形狀辨識、空間對應、形式與合成分解等數學概念。同時提供單人與多人玩法,搭配分階設計的遊戲卡,以好玩的桌遊方式進行,引發孩子的學習動機,逐步建構數學概念。 《Kids’ Corner生活數學》系列遊戲概念設計: 每一遊戲盒裡都有一個主要的數學概念,以及相關運用到的學習能力,例如:「毛蟲接接樂」這一遊戲盒的數學概念為「數與量」,相關學習概念有「顏色辨識」、「數量點數」、「合成分解」和「重複型式」。即是讓幼兒透過完成遊戲卡上指定的題目,在幫助毛蟲接身體的遊戲中,讓孩子練習點數和數量的合成分解,連結對數學「數與量」概念的理解。 《Kids’ Corner生活數學》分階遊戲歷程: 孩子剛接觸每一個遊戲盒時,家長先在旁引導,等孩子了解遊戲玩法規則後,即可自己挑戰、或是和同伴、手足合作遊戲,每一遊戲盒提供多種玩法與遊戲功能,讓孩子玩出興味、玩出能力。 <Step1 學習引導>家長可先幫助孩子理解、說明遊戲玩法與規則,並帶領孩子實際體驗遊戲。 <Step2 幼兒體驗>孩子觀察與思考遊戲卡提供的資訊,獨立進行遊戲挑戰,與遊戲結果的自我校對。 <Step3 親子同樂>提供多人玩法,全家一起玩遊戲,促進親子情感。 【Kids’Corner生活數學-毛蟲接接樂】內容介紹 《內容物》毛蟲頭木片4個、毛蟲身體木片40個、遊戲骰子2個、葉子底板4張、遊戲卡40張(4種難度)、遊戲說明書1本。 《遊戲重點》有毛蟲來參加彩色森林舉辦吃樹葉大賽,身體一節一節的,還有好多顏色唷!到底身體可以排多長呢?一起來數一數吧! 《遊戲玩法》 ‧玩法1...
Unicorn Raincoat - Park Life
Raincoat Measurements SIZE 1-2 SIZE 3-4 SIZE 5-6 SIZE 7-8 Body Length from HSP (high shoulder point) 36 40 50.5 56.5 Shoulder Breadth 29 30.5 32 33.5 Armhole Diameter 15...